L10 Fundraising for Syria and Turkey
Learning for Life pathway pupils ran a cake sale to raise money for Syria and Turkey.
As part of their PSHE sessions this half-term, some of our Key Stage 4 learners have been reflecting on recent events in Turkey and Syria.
Some of the resources we draw on within our sessions are materials related to the ‘United Nations Convention on the rights of the child’ which has enabled our learners to understand their own rights and those of children around the world.
Recognising the destruction caused by the earthquake and the impact this is having on families and children in the affected countries, led to some of our learners deciding to organise a cake sale, in order to raise money to support with charity efforts.
This was a fantastic effort by the classes involved who looked at marketing the event, monitory transactions, social interactions with customers and most importantly, highlighting the importance of working together in both local and global contexts.
Our learners were very proud to announce that, after they calculated the total, they have raised over £180!