To challenge and inspire learners to gain the highest standards in a vibrant, well-resourced and personalised learning environment.
To encourage learners to develop lively enquiring minds, enjoy learning and develop independence skills.
To develop learners' communication skills and give them a voice to achieve their highest aspirations.
To ensure that self-evaluation is an ingrained aspect of practice for all staff and learners.
To encourage and prepare learners and staff to have healthy bodies and minds.
To deliver a rich curriculum promoting social and moral values to support our learners to become exceptional citizens of our community.
To work in a collaborative partnership with local, national and international organisations (such as business, industry and educational institutions), to share our resources and expertise and to learn from them.
To ensure the SEND Legislation is truly in action: placing parents, families, children and young people at the heart of their decision-making.
We believe that all members of the Academy have a responsibility to act in a moral and respectful manner towards themselves, others and their environment, showing care, consideration, co-operation and respect for all.
We believe that all members of the Academy have the right to be safe, supported, valued and cared for at all times.
We believe that all members of the Academy should be encouraged to develop their skills, expand their knowledge, embrace challenge and reach their full potential.
We believe in encouraging students and staff to take pride in their achievements and to celebrate their success.
We support partnerships between students, parents and school to achieve high-quality discipline and learning.
We value all our staff and students, recognising that they deserve the highest respect and quality of resources in promoting the achievement of aspirational targets.
We believe in being fair, honest and compassionate in all our work as a school.