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Specialised Safeguarding/Pastoral Team


Masuma Rajwani
  • Family Support
  • Early Help Coordination
  • Parental Engagement
  • Safeguarding Support
  • Safe and Well Check Support
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Rabia Hassan
  • Attendance Management
  • Safeguarding Support
  • Learner Voice
  • Safe and Well Checks
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Nicky Benjamin
  • SENCO and EHCP Co-Ordination
  • Destinations Tracker
  • Admissions and Record Transfer
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Sadia Hafiz
  • Early Help Support
  • Parental Engagement Support
  • Safe and Well Check Support
  • Safeguarding Data Management and Analysis
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mounir Meghalsi
  • Allegations Against Staff/Adults
  • Single Point of Contact (SPOC): 
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Laura Lee
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
  • Pastoral Lead
  • Offsite provision
  • Safeguarding coordination

Humarya Jubeen
  • Safeguarding Support
  • Belgravia Pastoral Support / Reception
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Calthorpe Academy Safeguarding Strategy



At Calthorpe academy transparency is at the heart of our practice, we work with external agencies for best outcomes for our learner and have utmost respect for our families, staff & external partners. We are committed to keeping every child safe by creating a safe environment for children and young people through robust safeguarding practices


Policies are the foundation of our practice, policies ensure consistency & guide us on action needed against potential challenges faced by our learners and families


Calthorpe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils and expects all adults working in school, staff and volunteers, to share this commitment


The Pastoral Team and staff dealing with safeguarding respect our learners dignity and that of their families. We do not make assumptions; DSLs review and respond to safeguarding concerns without prejudice

Professional Practice

We have a wide-ranging package of CPD; a safeguarding inset is delivered every half-term covering a range of safeguarding topics. Staff have access to electronic policies and hard copies of policies available in the safeguarding resource area within the staff room. A yearly safeguarding refresher is delivered to all new and existing staff at the beginning of the academic year and to new staff joining our team through the year. We have face to face training, survey conducted to assess the impact of our training and close the gaps in knowledge when required by offering a safeguarding booster breakfast to targeted staff


We collaborate, harness opportunities, engage, empower, share, and work in partnership with pupils, families, schools, organisations to remove barriers and create opportunity for success

Integrity & Transparency

At our school we believe in being fair, honest and compassionate in all we do


Inclusive approach to reach staff and parents:

Our school believes in effective communication with staff, parents/carers. We welcome parents/carers views and concerns about the welfare of their children; we use this feedback to regularly review our practices.

We communicate effectively with staff both in person and virtually. This includes contact via the school app, emails, in person meetings, online training and CPD opportunities such as Pastoral Breakfasts


We are well-equipped and prepared for the responsibility that comes with being a Deputy DSL, we will coordinate and oversee safeguarding procedures, as well as act as a first point of contact for anyone with concerns

  • DSL meetings – twice monthly
  • Feedback from training delivered in school
  • Professional discussion or complex cases
  • Working in conjunction with the Behaviour Team, Attendance, Mental Health and RHE/RSE

Staff Training

Safeguarding is the responsibility of each and every member of staff therefore it is important all members of staff have up-to-date safeguarding training

  • Online training (inc Judicium) with minimum pass marks for certification
  •  Regular in-house safeguarding insets
  • Pastoral booster sessions delivered by DDSLs/Pastoral Team
  • CPD – delivered both in-house and online
  • Data analysis used to identify gaps in knowledge and address them
  • Staff surveys
  • Identify gaps in knowledge & changes in best practice/legislation and train accordingly

Managing Support Mechanisms

Six Safeguarding Principles

Why are the 6 principles of safeguarding important?

These principles are critical to prevent abuse and neglect from occurring, while also ensuring the best possible level of care is given. By following the key safeguarding principles, we can be sure that we are doing the best we can to protect vulnerable people from harm.

  • Empowerment: It’s important for any individual who has been a victim of abuse, neglect, or maltreatment to feel that they have control over their situation. We understand that support and encouragement are key to effective working with a victim of abuse or neglect. Our responsibility is to ensure that the individual feels empowered to make their own decisions and that they are not being forced to give consent.
  • Protection: Safeguarding is designed to protect everyone from harm—at home, at school, or anywhere else that they might be placed at risk. It is everyone’s responsibility to look out for the wellbeing of others.
  • Prevention: We understand that it is possible to take action before harm has come to an individual. Regular safeguarding training teaches us the main signs and indicators of abuse and neglect so that we always know what to look out for when it comes to safeguarding vulnerable children and young people.
  • Proportionality: When a safeguarding incident occurs, we report our concerns in a manner that is appropriate for the risk presented.
  • Partnerships: We work in partnership with our local authority and all services or organisations in our community who might be able to assist in detecting and reporting abuse or neglect.
  • Accountability: We ensure that all staff understand that they are accountable and that transparency is essential in safeguarding.

Support Mechanisms

We achieve this by offering in-school support such as:

  • Malachi (mental health support)
  • Parental Workshops - training & support
  •  Early Help
  • Safe and Well Checks (home visits)

Or by making referrals to our key partners:

  • LADO team
  • Forward Thinking Birmingham
  • Early Help Birmingham

Our cases are all managed consistently through:

  • My Concern - Safeguarding Dashboard
  • Home School Communication Book
  • Electronic Communication
  • Safe and Well checks
External Reviews and Audits

We always welcome external expertise to improve our practice and ensure that our accountability to our learners is strong. External professionals such as Judicium & NSPCC conduct safeguarding yearly audits and our link governor for safeguarding will conduct a safeguarding visit. The Executive Senior Leadership of the trust regularly review various aspect of safeguarding with our Lead DSL.